Raw Michigan Wildflower Honey
- Available in reusable 11oz, 1.5lb and 3lb jars.
- We use only glass jars with BPA free lids!
- Additional sizes available upon request.
- Honey makes a great gift. Consider Berkshire Farms Honey for your next special occasion!
Farm Fresh Eggs
- We are now selling delicious eggs from our free range chickens from our farm.
- Call first for availability.
- In addition to all the goodness they find out on the farm, they are fed Graham’s Organic Feeds.
- Our garlic is now available for sale. We offer 7 varieties in both hard and softneck.
- Large bulbs are 3 for $5
- We grow using organic methods.
Pure Michigan Maple Syrup
- Pints still available.
Handcrafted Soap
- Gentle to your skin and environment
- Made with Organic ingredients
- We use products from our hives, animals and pastures to make these small batch soaps.
Be sure to ask us what other seasonal products we may have available.